Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Living Benefits Awareness Month is winding down, and I hope you've taken advantage of this fantastic opportunity to learn more about this revolutionary new way to protect your financial foundation.

I have worked with my clients throughout this month to convert their old death-benefit-only policy to a new, evolved Living Benefits policy. Their new policies protect them in the exact same capacity that their old ones did if they pass away, but add the crucial option for them to access that money if they suffer a cancer diagnosis, heart attack, stroke, or any other critical, chronic, or terminal illness.

Now it's your turn. https://www.nationallife.com/Individuals-Families-Living-Benefits

Listen to the stories of real-life Living Benefits clients whose lives would have been destroyed had they not owned a Living Benefits policy. Read the statistics that scream at us from daily headlines about how medical bankruptcy is a silent and fast-spreading epidemic in this country. Take the steps to protect yourself and your loved ones with a modern policy, designed to solve modern-day problems. Remember, it doesn't cost more - it just does more.

I will now leave the ball respectfully in your court. Replying to this post and asking for an appointment could prove to be the most impactful financial decision you ever make.

Happy #LBAM!

5 Reasons Why My TFR Plan Might be the Best Way For You to Save for Retirement

Every week I am floored by how many people have never heard of a TFR (Tax Free Retirement) plan.  Most people think of life insurance as death insurance.  They feel that the only way you can gain is if you die.  That's not true!  I educate people on life insurance you don't have to die to use.  You can use the savings in your life insurance policy for many things.  Did you know that the Founder of McDonald's used some of his cash value of his life insurance to start his first franchise?  Look where McDonald's stands today!  The same happened with the founder of the Del Mar Racetrack!    There are five reasons why I feel life insurance is one of greatest ways to save.  The first is that your money grows in your life insurance policy tax deferred!  That's awesome, any way that you can save on taxes is awesome!  The second reason is that you can use the Living Benefits to pay for any medical expenses due to heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, etc.  I am one of the VERY few agents in America able to offer this and its a free benefit!!  January happens to be living benefits awareness month so if you'd like to learn more about it please let me know.  There are only two carriers in the US who offer this benefit and I am appointed with both.  The third reason why a TFR plan might be right for you is you can NEVER Lose money!  If you are someone who's tired of the ups and downs of the stock market, this choice might be right for you.  The fourth reason is that when you are ready to retire, you can take all the money out TAX FREE!  Awesome right??!!  Some of my clients use it for college savings for their kids or grand kids, to buy a first home or even pay for a wedding............  And last but not least, of course, your beneficiary receives the proceeds at your death all tax free!  If you have never read Patrick Kelly's Books, The Retirement Miracle or Tax Free Retirement, please do, you will be surprised at what you learn! www.KatherineZacharias.com