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“You’re spending WHAT on your one bedroom apartment? Why don’t you find roommates?”
“I’ll bet those lattes add up! That money could be going towards your retirement.”
“You still buy food? Dumpster diving is so much more thrifty!”
You get the picture.
But make no mistake—pruning back your budget is great IF overspending is stopping you from reaching your goals.
But what if you’re financially on target? What if your debt is gone, your family’s protected, your retirement accounts are compounding, your emergency fund is stocked, and you still have money to spare?
Good news—you don’t have to live like a broke college student. That’s not you anymore. Instead, you can spend money on the things you really care about, like…
• People you love
• Causes that inspire you
• Local businesses
• House cleaning services
• Travelling
• Building your dream house
• New skills and hobbies
This isn’t a call to wildly spend on everything that catches your momentary fancy. That might be symptomatic of underlying wounds that you’re trying to heal with money. It won’t work.
Instead, it’s a call to identify a few things that you’re truly passionate about. Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You to Be Rich fame calls these Money Dials.¹ They’re things like convenience, travel, and self-improvement that excite you.
Just imagine you have limitless money. What would be the first thing you spend it on? That’s your money dial.
And, so long as you’re financially stable, there’s no shame in spending money on those things. This is why you’ve worked so hard and saved so much—to provide yourself and your loved ones with a better quality of life. Give yourself permission to enjoy that!
So what are you waiting for? Start planning that backpacking adventure through Scandinavia, or drafting blueprints for your dream house, or decking out the spare room as a recording studio. You’ve earned it!
Not positioned to spend on your passions yet? That’s okay! For now, let your goals inspire you to take the first steps towards creating financial independence and the lifestyle that can follow.
Rickson Amorim was the picture of health - a fit, young entrepreneur in his 30's who had built a successful career helping his client protect themselves with a revolutionary new kind of life insurance. He never imagined he would find himself utilizing his own Living Benefits policy after a freakish, out-of-the-blue medical emergency.
Watch as Rickson and his wife Bianca tell their harrowing story of a sudden, unexplained cardiac arrest that left him clinging to life in a coma. Rickson's Living Benefits life insurance policy sprang into action and paid out over $250,000 in tax-free benefits, leading to a miraculous recovery and ensuring a bright, healthy future for Rickson and his new bride.Latasha McCray was living her life to the fullest - she was in perfect shape, had a great job and a financial plan for the future. When a breast cancer diagnosis turned her world upside down, Latasha found all of her well-laid plans crumbling around her.
Natalia's Living Benefits Story https://youtu.be/M5ev6hQVeBo via @YouTube Only 4% of life ins owned today has the #livingbenefits that I offer!! do you have it yet? #cancersucks