Monday, January 30, 2017

Compound Interest

Compound interest: It may be compound, but it's NOT complex! Learn more about how compound interest can be your best friend if it's working for you, and devastating if it's working against you!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Planning for College Costs

Our plans do not affect Financial Aid like 529 plans do! Please share this with a friend who had a baby recently

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

This is why I am passionate about what I do ea day!

Make sure you are protected if you are an expat living here in the US

If you are an expat living here in the US, I can help you create a tax shelter. Only assets up to $60,000 are protected

Monday, January 2, 2017

Big Changes Coming 2017: The Pros & Cons

Are you planning on retiring someday? The financial services industry is going through a massive overhaul via the Department of Labor! While this may not be front page news for the average citizen, this has huge implications for the way you will be able to seek out and pay for advice that helps you save for retirement. Dale Brown, CEO of the Financial Services Institute helps you weigh the pros and cons of the changes, and fills you in on what to expect.

Impact of Taxes