I have worked with my clients throughout this month to convert their old death-benefit-only policy to a new, evolved Living Benefits policy. Their new policies protect them in the exact same capacity that their old ones did if they pass away, but add the crucial option for them to access that money if they suffer a cancer diagnosis, heart attack, stroke, or any other critical, chronic, or terminal illness.
Now it's your turn. https://www.nationallife.com/Individuals-Families-Living-Benefits
Listen to the stories of real-life Living Benefits clients whose lives would have been destroyed had they not owned a Living Benefits policy. Read the statistics that scream at us from daily headlines about how medical bankruptcy is a silent and fast-spreading epidemic in this country. Take the steps to protect yourself and your loved ones with a modern policy, designed to solve modern-day problems. Remember, it doesn't cost more - it just does more.
I will now leave the ball respectfully in your court. Replying to this post and asking for an appointment could prove to be the most impactful financial decision you ever make.
Happy #LBAM!