Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Do you have a buy sell agreement in place for your business yet?

 Do you have a buy sell agreement in place yet for your small business? If not, make sure to set one up so you are prepared for business continuation. #SWAN #KSWZ #5RF #peaceofmind #Lifeinsurance #livingbenefits If you're a business owner, you may not have planned sufficiently for the future if a buy-sell agreement hasn't been drawn. A buy-sell agreement decrees how a business, or share of a business, will be transferred upon death, disability or retirement. A buy-sell agreement can be between partners, between a business entity and its stockholders, or between an owner and a key employee. It predetermines who will receive a business or its share, how the sale or transfer will be funded and it provides a means for paying personal estate taxes after the transfer.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Im Hiring!!

 Hi Friends! I need your help - I'm hiring!!  

Do you know anyone looking for extra income or a career change?

These are train and work from home positions and you must be able to pass a background check.

1. Spare time - Work commitment of working 4 to 5 hours a week

2. Part time - Work commitment of working 5 to 15 hours a week.

3. Full time - Work commitment of working 20 plus hours a week

No experience needed, however you must pass a background check. Some out of state positions are also available if you know of someone.