Hello all. I got this testimonial a short time ago and I was literally in tears. It feels so good to be able to assist others.
Our very own Katherine, Wichmann-Zacharias recently helped my pregnant daughter and her husband. She was having issues with her COBRA and so I referred her to Katherine who I had met through EWomen Network. I remembered her describing her extensive experience with COBRA insurance. Well, in this particular case she wasn't able to get them a policy at this time but did refer her to where she could access just what she needed. This was huge for this little family waiting on their first little baby that they have tried for 2 1/2 years to conceive. To help with lowering the financial burden for them is huge for their piece of mind. I will continue to recommend Katherine to others as she really does have their welfare in mind.
Thank you Katherine!
Carrie Tomseth
Check out www.eWomenNetwork.com. It's been the best networking group and referral source for me.
Please remember to give people referrals and thank them for their help if they do a good job for you. Have a great dry weekend!
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