Thursday, November 12, 2009

Make Sure Your Health Insurance Plan is Grandfathered

Hello all. Well, this a.m. I was in a very interesting Anthem Blue Cross meeting. Please make sure that the health insurance plan you are currently enrolled in is one that will be grandfathered for 2013. It seems that will be one of the parts of the new reform that will occur. When the new reform happens in 2013, some plans will be grandfathered, the ones with Anthem specifically. They will still be in "the game". Many insurance companies are expected to leave the market once the govt plan is put in place. The government plans will of course be much more expensive than the private plans we have today. If you do decide to move to a government run plan you will NOT be able to move back to a private plan if you so choose so please be careful and keep an eye on this reform as it happens these next few years. Thanks! Have a wonderful day!

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