Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Do you have a buy sell agreement in place for your business yet?

 Do you have a buy sell agreement in place yet for your small business? If not, make sure to set one up so you are prepared for business continuation. #SWAN #KSWZ #5RF #peaceofmind #Lifeinsurance #livingbenefits If you're a business owner, you may not have planned sufficiently for the future if a buy-sell agreement hasn't been drawn. A buy-sell agreement decrees how a business, or share of a business, will be transferred upon death, disability or retirement. A buy-sell agreement can be between partners, between a business entity and its stockholders, or between an owner and a key employee. It predetermines who will receive a business or its share, how the sale or transfer will be funded and it provides a means for paying personal estate taxes after the transfer.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Im Hiring!!

 Hi Friends! I need your help - I'm hiring!!  

Do you know anyone looking for extra income or a career change?

These are train and work from home positions and you must be able to pass a background check.

1. Spare time - Work commitment of working 4 to 5 hours a week

2. Part time - Work commitment of working 5 to 15 hours a week.

3. Full time - Work commitment of working 20 plus hours a week

No experience needed, however you must pass a background check. Some out of state positions are also available if you know of someone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Do you know someone who is looking for a new amazing career?

Please, Give a think. Who do you know, based in the US, who might be looking for a career change? 

🎬 A career where they are independent yet supported, respected for their uniqueness and have an opportunity to make a significant income on a flexible schedule ...all while providing something of tremendous value to their fellow humans. 

🇺🇸 In any state of the US. In any language.*

In a time like this, safety and flexibility of access to your money, tax advantages, life insurance and living benefits are more in demand than ever. And we need help getting the word out and the job done. 

If you know someone with an amazing attitude and WILLINGNESS to learn and to work...
From home..,
From a full-time committed business builder to very part time associate...we can work with almost any schedule. 

Please, if someone comes to mind, introduce us.  Forward my info to them. Or let me know via text, messenger, linked in...whatever mode is your best. Or yes..,the old fashioned telephone call!! 😂😂😂. 

Our CEO, Mr. Mike Wilk, recorded a dynamite VIDEO presentation available 24/7. Called
 CAREER 101 if you’d like a bit more info or become more familiar yourself.  You can 
Find that at:
Big GREEN Button right on the home page. 
Have a great day and PLEASE stay safe and well!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What is split dollar?


Split dollar arrangements are a way for a business to help the business owner or key employees of the business acquire permanent life protection. It is also a way for an individual to assist another person (or trust) with the costs of acquiring a permanent life insurance policy.