Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Free monthly networking mixers

Wine, Women & Wealth July 29 - Rancho Bernardo
Wine, Women & Wealth August 11 - Carlsbad
Money 101 - August 23 Mission Valley
Money 101 - August 24 San Marcos
RSVP to me @ or on FB

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is Driving Health Care Costs?

Cutting Edge Technology
Prescription Drugs; prices are 35%-55% higher in the US than in any other country.
General and Medical Inflation
Aging of the population contributes minimally to the high growth of health care spending.
Treatment of Chronic Disease accounts for over 75% of national health expenditures.
Administrative Costs accounts for at least 7% of health care expenditures.
Hospital Care and Physician Services account for 52% of the nation’s health expenditures.
Click the link below for more details:

Where Do Our Health Care Dollars Go?

Where Do Our Health Care Dollars Go?
Hospital Care 31%
Physician/Clinical Services 21%
Prescription Drugs 10%
Program Administration 7%
Investment 7%
Nursing Home Care 6%
Other Professional Services 6%
Dental 4%
Home Health 3%
Other Retail Products 3%
Govt. Public Health Activities 3%

Health Care Reform

In this alert we will cover the applicable change requirements to the group health plans and health insurance issuers, as well as the amendments to the IRC giving certain favorable tax treatment to adult children who have not attained age 27 as of the end of the taxable year and are effective March 30, 2010.

Purpose of Reform
A common theme you will see in all of the legislative alerts in the coming months is that the purpose for healthcare reform and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is to insure millions of the now currently uninsured Americans. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation about 30% of all young adults are uninsured. This particular provision, according to Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, estimates about 1.2 million young adults will now gain coverage.

Many young adults lose their access to coverage when they either marry, graduate college, or no longer are an eligible dependent on their parents’ tax return. This provision hopes to fill those coverage gaps.

Kathleen Sebelius is working closely with many of the nation’s largest insurers to encourage early adoption of the rules rather than waiting until the required deadline. As a result many of the insurers have agreed to voluntary adoption of the rules to prevent the targeted group from falling off their health plans in the spring only to be reenrolled in the fall.

Summary of Health Plan Issuers
Under the Act, all plans and insurance issuers that offer dependent coverage must offer coverage to an enrollee’s adult children whether married or unmarried until the child reaches age 26, even if the adult child no longer lives with the parents, is not a dependent on the parent’s tax return, or is no longer a student.
Plans that do not provide dependent coverage are not required to do so under the Act
Extended eligibility does not apply to the adult child’s spouse or children
Expansion of eligibility is effective for plan or policy years beginning on or after September 23, 2010
Calendar year plans will have to comply as of January 1, 2011
For Grandfathered plans, if the adult child is eligible for another employer-based health plan other than the parents coverage, plans would generally not have to provide extended dependent coverage to that child until 2014

Monday, July 12, 2010

July Wine, Women & Wealth Rancho Bernardo

THURSDAY – July 29, 2010, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
13330 Paseo Del Verano Norte
San Diego, CA 92128 US
Free wine tasting and networking! RSVP to me!

Money 101 free dinners this mo.

TUESDAY, July 20, 2010 – 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Old Spaghetti Factory
111 N Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069


WEDNESDAY, July 21, 2010 – 6:30pm – 8:30pm Hope you can make it, please RSVP to me or on FB.

July Wine, Women & Wealth

My next free Wine, Women and Wealth event will by on July 14th at RELM winery in Carlsbad, I hope you all can come and enjoy a lil wine and networking. 7-9 pm. You can get all the info and RSVP on my FB page

Coming Soon: Longevity Tests

Forget the palm readers and tarot cards. If you want to know whether or not you will live to a ripe old age, just wait for a genetic analysis software that a group of Boston University scientists plans to make available through the Internet. Based on a study of people over the age of 100, the BU research team has identified about 150 unique genetic markers associated with extreme longevity.

The BU researchers claim they can identify people predisposed to exceptional longevity with 77% accuracy in controlled tests.